Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Terrific Tuesday afternoon. We are getting closer and closer to the New Year. I am one who totally looks forward to starting a New Year, a new cycle in my life. The idea of having another opportunity to do better, to be better, to love harder, and to be stronger is something that excites me. As we prepare for this NEW opportunity, we must remember a few very important factors. The past is the past, it's ok to leave it there. But, it is imperative that we take the lessons learned from our past experiences with us into our future endeavors. If you have a grudge, leave it. If you have hate in your heart, get rid of it. Start the year "anew" with "a new" attitude. I am not a vengeful person, and I love everyone, but I also know who to love from a distance. If I am continuously loving you up close and personal, do not take it for granted. That is a different kind of love, and I reserve the right to retract that kind of love whenever it is warranted. God's love for me is the only motivation I need to love others. That should be everyone's reason for loving. On another note, you really have no choice BUT to love if you want to make it into the kingdom of heaven. That is all! Living, loving, and loving some more. carry on

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