Friday, September 26, 2014

Favor Ain't Fair

Blessed and Highly Favored.  This is something proclaimed by MOST Christians.  Active and non active.  Too Blessed to be stressed, the devil is a lie, God is good...all the time and all the time, well you know the rest.  There are so many words and phrases that were created to be motivational and inspirational, but have just become cliches within the church world.  Maybe that's because the church world has gotten to a place where the world doesn't look that much different.

Be ye separate.  The power contained in these words are not as respected as they should be.  Going to church every Sunday does not constitute as being separate.  Praying before you eat does not constitute as being separate.  Acting grateful, DEFINITELY, doest not constitute as being separate.  Being separate does not necessarily consist of a physical separation.  It consists of a separation of the mind, body, and spirit.  A separation that allows you to connect with God in ALL that you do.  To be in a place to hear from heaven in the midst of the living hell that so many people have tried to create for you.  The day to day torture that is referred to as LIFE by some believers as well as non believers.  To believe or not to believe, that is NOT the question.  The question is...WHY?

Why does God rain on the just as well as the unjust?  Matthew 5:45 states, and I quote, "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."  The mere fact that God loves us all unconditionally, is something automatic.  It does not have to be earned or appreciated.  It's not based on whether we believe in Him or not.  Whether we are just or not.  Whether we live righteously or not.  His love is everlasting and one of a kind.  He gives it freely and without remorse or regret.  His love is a form of favor that is shared by EVERY living thing.

God's favor is presented and spread about without warning, without preparation, and in many cases, without cause.  He favors us just because.  He doesn't need a reason.  Mercy and grace is the foundation of favor, the two goes hand in hand.  Mercy is what keeps you, grace is what delivers you.  God will keep you with or without your desire to be kept.  But, deliverance must be desired.  To acknowledge that you need to be delivered is the first step to actually being delivered.  HOW we are delivered is completely up to God.  Just because we don't think that we have been delivered in the way that we EXPECTED to be delivered, does not mean that we were not delivered.  God knows what we need to be delivered from, and He also knows the best kind of deliverance to give us.  There's no rhyme or reason to it, it just is.  This is where His favor seems to be UNFAIR.

Each of us are individuals with individualized needs and desires.  We are given the minute ability to see within ourselves so that WE can have some idea of what we THINK we need.  God has unlimited access to the INNER US, and He can see things that we can not see.  He discloses to us, about ourselves, what He knows we can handle. Everybody is not ready for everything.  That's because of our uniquely different, personalized self's.  Since we are so uniquely different, our Blessings must be tailored to meet our individualized needs.  Blessings are the melting pot of favor.  From the outside looking in, we have a tendency to conclude that some people are favored more than others.  This may be true.  But, if we look at things from a spiritual perspective, we know that there are things that are unknown to us, and we can not possibly see the entire picture.  That's where we must have faith.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.  Our faith is what helps us to be accepting of whatever God Blesses us with.  It also helps us to rejoice in the Blessings that are received by others.  Most importantly, faith is what gives us the strength to carry on, even in the midst of a storm.  We know that God will bring us through.  We know that He sees our faithfulness.  Most importantly, we know that FAVOR AIN'T FAIR.

carry on

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Celebrate getting married, or getting married to celebrate?

Hello Loves.  Life has been at a place that I am not familiar.  I've had so much going on.  Despite it all, despite of myself, God is still good.  He keeps me when I don't have the drive to keep myself.  I can't complain.  I am grateful for the good, the bad, and the ugly.  The year has brought me more disappointments than triumphs, but I count it all joy.  I can't do anything but be positive, that's all I know.  People depend on my positive energy, and my positive direction.  I have to depend on God to give me the words to speak to my friends.  So many people are hurting.  So much pain is being caused by the one's we love.  Relationship issues have become so prominent on the distress list.  Everything that glitters is not gold.  Just because people want you to think that they are happy in their relationship, does not mean that you should be fooled by the fakeness.  When people seem OVERLY happy, they are usually unhappy.  Relationships are hard, they take work.  Marriage will not resolve anything if you are unevenly yoked.

Marriages that are ordained by God, are a gift from God. All marriages are NOT ordained by God.  People get married for the wrong reasons, to the wrong person, everyday.  This is happening in the church, more than the world.  The divorce rate of saved people is much higher than that of people who do not claim to be saved.  Why?  People are getting married to appease the church.  To appease their mate.  Or just to say that they are married.  Marriage is serious.  It was not created so that divorce can be existent.  Nowadays, you can't have one without the other.  Or can you?

When you allow God to lead you to your mate, divorce wouldn't be an option.  It is not acceptable for a woman to propose to a man, according to God.  The proposal is the responsibility of the man and the man alone.  When a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing.  I understand that some are saying, well my wife or fiance didn't propose to me.  That may be so.  But, if she nagged you, kept throwing hints, and suggested to you that the two of you should be married, she may as well have proposed.  If a man proposes to a woman to appease her, this is not acceptable  unto God.  Proposing to make her feel secure is the foundation for an unstable, unhealthy, and failed marriage.  Do it God's way.  If your heart is with someone else, you need to be with that person.  Why spend the rest of your life with someone, knowing that your love for someone else is greater.  KNOW for yourself what direction God is telling you to go. KNOW for yourself what's a distraction.  KNOW for yourself when YOU are required to step up to the plate and claim the one that God desires you to be with.  That was for the men.  The rules are a little different for women.

Ladies, even though we are living in a time where our society is pushing equal rights and male/female equality, the word has not changed.  It will not return void.  It will do just what it was set out to do.  Allow God to send you your husband.  Throwing hints to your man is just a subtle way of asking him to marry you.  If he wants to marry you, he will tell you.  His proposal should be confirmation of what God has already told you.  Well, that is if you are connected to God the way you should be.  Proposing to a man is not God's way.  Nagging a man into marriage is not God's way.  Questioning a man about his past until he proposes to you, just to appease you, is not God's way.  Let a man be a man.  He doesn't need any help in that area.  Your marriage will be prosperous for it.  Your marriage will have peace because of it.  It doesn't matter how good a man may seem, if he is not following Christ, he is not a man that you should desire to marry.

Man is the head of HIS house.  God is the head of man.  This is written.  If this is not the hierarchy of what's evident in your man, wait on the Lord.  For the men, if she is not a true, undeniable follower of Christ, and you are, how can you possibly expect her to follow you?  Church on Sunday, cussing like a sailor on Monday.  Love you and your children to your face, but despise your children behind your back.  Never has time or a dime to help you when you are down, but the first one with her hand out when God Blesses you with overflow.  KNOW what you are getting into BEFORE the nuptials.  God will give you insight and discernment when it comes to these things.  He will not leave you to make decisions alone.  The hardest decisions are the easiest one's to mess up.

When you decide to spend the rest of your life with someone, you should have already decided to allow Christ to lead you.  The decision is made even before the proposal.  The decision is made even before the proposal is accepted.  When a man proposes to a woman, he should be ready to marry her even before he proposes.  When a woman accepts a proposal, she should be ready to get married even before she accepts the proposal.  The devil tries to be in the details of anything holy.  Know that he is standing there watching you whenever you try to do what's right and good.  Knowing is half the battle.  If you know that God will never leave you or forsake you, then you have to be willing to recognize that sometimes cold feet is not cold feet.  It can be God tugging at you telling you not to do what you are about to do.  Saying I do is the easiest thing in the world.  STAYING I do is where the challenge lies.  The devil can give a false sense of security and love to distract us from what God desires us to have.  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result.  Some reservations are red flags.  Some red flags are stop signs.  God will make every attempt to stop you from making the same mistake TWICE.  You have to be at a Spiritual place to know that it's Him.  Get to that Spiritual place and stay there.  If God didn't tell you to marry this person, then why are you?  When God is in it, you can celebrate getting married.  When God is not in it, you will get married just to celebrate.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Be Careful For...NOTHING

Hello Loves!  I know, I haven’t blogged in awhile.  Focus has not come easy to me this year.  There has been so many things rising up, and my Spiritual energy has been drained.  Despite my strengths, despite my gifts, even the strong needs to feed and glean.  I was at a point where I had nothing to give anyone.  I was too busy fighting to maintain my own faith in the midst of my many attacks.  It’s not by chance that our battles are ENORMOUS this year, at the start of year. 

This is 2014, haven’t you noticed?  Take the time to add the digits, they will add up to be 7.  There is Biblical significance in the number 7.  The number 7 is God’s number of completion.  This year will be the year that so many of us will receive what we have been praying and waiting for.  This will not come without a battle.  In battle, out of battle, before battle, and after battle, it is imperative that we remember that the battle was already won before we were even thought of.  The fear factor, the intimidation factor, and the idea of being rejected while standing firm on our beliefs, has caused so many of us to be hesitant in our words and actions.  We are the good, we are the one’s that should be able to make a difference.  We are not the enemy, nor are we a part of his militia. 

While so much of the world has been consumed with evildoers, spirits, the whole nine yards, the believers, I mean the TRUE believers, have got to be consumed with God’s work.  God’s will.  Sometimes it seems as though the righteous are the minority, and the self-righteous and the un-righteous are the majority.  We have gotten to a place where we fret over the things that are evident, and we fear the things that are not so evident.  Why are we worrying about things that are out of our control?  Why are we afraid to deal with the things that are in our control?  Has the people of God gotten to a place where we have been silenced because of the backlash that we will suffer for God’s namesake?  What’s happening different from what we SHOULD have expected when we decided to walk this walk?          

Were we brainwashed into thinking that things would be easier when we become followers of Christ?  Our vision has been tainted by the prosperity preachers that are teaching us, well some of us, that everything will be peaches and cream once we join the army of the Lord.  I’m here to serve notice that the closer you get to Christ, the greater the attacks will be.  The more Spiritual you become, the harder the natural man will fight!  The main focus of ALL living things is to survive.  When that survival is threatened, any and all organisms when fight to stay alive by any means necessary.  Our curiosities have made us weak.  Our love for others has made us gullible.  Our compromised faith has put us in a place where we may fall prey to the enemies at hand. 

There's a difference between being paranoid, being cautious, and being careful.  Paranoia is associated with a lack of trust.  Caution is fueled by fear.  The word says, "Be CAREFUL for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."(Philippians 4:6).  Simply put, it means to have no distressing anxiety about anything.  God has already made a covenant with us.  As long as we follow the “IF”, God will surely follow the “THEN”.  He is not a man that he should lie.  His word will not return void, it will do what it was set out to do.  WE must be mindful of this and draw strength just from KNOWING this.  While we’re in battle, while we’re going through, while we’re praying for clarity, we MUST continue to Praise.  Deliverance is in your Praise.  Confuse the enemy, Praise Him in advance.  Be careful for nothing.  Remember that God’s got it.  It’s already done.   carry on