Friday, September 26, 2014

Favor Ain't Fair

Blessed and Highly Favored.  This is something proclaimed by MOST Christians.  Active and non active.  Too Blessed to be stressed, the devil is a lie, God is good...all the time and all the time, well you know the rest.  There are so many words and phrases that were created to be motivational and inspirational, but have just become cliches within the church world.  Maybe that's because the church world has gotten to a place where the world doesn't look that much different.

Be ye separate.  The power contained in these words are not as respected as they should be.  Going to church every Sunday does not constitute as being separate.  Praying before you eat does not constitute as being separate.  Acting grateful, DEFINITELY, doest not constitute as being separate.  Being separate does not necessarily consist of a physical separation.  It consists of a separation of the mind, body, and spirit.  A separation that allows you to connect with God in ALL that you do.  To be in a place to hear from heaven in the midst of the living hell that so many people have tried to create for you.  The day to day torture that is referred to as LIFE by some believers as well as non believers.  To believe or not to believe, that is NOT the question.  The question is...WHY?

Why does God rain on the just as well as the unjust?  Matthew 5:45 states, and I quote, "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."  The mere fact that God loves us all unconditionally, is something automatic.  It does not have to be earned or appreciated.  It's not based on whether we believe in Him or not.  Whether we are just or not.  Whether we live righteously or not.  His love is everlasting and one of a kind.  He gives it freely and without remorse or regret.  His love is a form of favor that is shared by EVERY living thing.

God's favor is presented and spread about without warning, without preparation, and in many cases, without cause.  He favors us just because.  He doesn't need a reason.  Mercy and grace is the foundation of favor, the two goes hand in hand.  Mercy is what keeps you, grace is what delivers you.  God will keep you with or without your desire to be kept.  But, deliverance must be desired.  To acknowledge that you need to be delivered is the first step to actually being delivered.  HOW we are delivered is completely up to God.  Just because we don't think that we have been delivered in the way that we EXPECTED to be delivered, does not mean that we were not delivered.  God knows what we need to be delivered from, and He also knows the best kind of deliverance to give us.  There's no rhyme or reason to it, it just is.  This is where His favor seems to be UNFAIR.

Each of us are individuals with individualized needs and desires.  We are given the minute ability to see within ourselves so that WE can have some idea of what we THINK we need.  God has unlimited access to the INNER US, and He can see things that we can not see.  He discloses to us, about ourselves, what He knows we can handle. Everybody is not ready for everything.  That's because of our uniquely different, personalized self's.  Since we are so uniquely different, our Blessings must be tailored to meet our individualized needs.  Blessings are the melting pot of favor.  From the outside looking in, we have a tendency to conclude that some people are favored more than others.  This may be true.  But, if we look at things from a spiritual perspective, we know that there are things that are unknown to us, and we can not possibly see the entire picture.  That's where we must have faith.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.  Our faith is what helps us to be accepting of whatever God Blesses us with.  It also helps us to rejoice in the Blessings that are received by others.  Most importantly, faith is what gives us the strength to carry on, even in the midst of a storm.  We know that God will bring us through.  We know that He sees our faithfulness.  Most importantly, we know that FAVOR AIN'T FAIR.

carry on


  1. God Bless! You were right! I would find a new man! After I busted Thomas Randall cheating I moved to Atlanta. Within weeks a handsome young neighbor asked me out and we've been happy together ever since.

    1. Good for you Anya. But, how does your husband feel about that? How does he feel about the relationship you had with Thomas? How does he feel about you stalking me? I just saw you last week, so you mean to tell me you were in town and didn't stop by and say hey? How rude..... No, that's not it. Your still here in Toledo. By the way, tell the guy in Alaska I said hello. The police has requested all correspondence you sent to him pretending to be me. Good talking to you.

  2. What do you think of someone who puts all their personal business online then squeals stalker when a man compliments them?????

  3. Anya Bureau please stop commenting on my blog as anonymous. If you have something to say, please post with your name. Thank you.
