Thursday, December 1, 2011

Learn to Love...Unconditionally

Bitterness, hurt, anger, all of these things can manifest into hate. I am not one to speak negatively of the men in my life, especially on a public venue such as this. Man bashing...not my thing. I accept people for who they are, humans. We ALL are natural first. Regardless of what anyone does to me or say about me, I will not stoop to their level. Atanya is responsible for Atanya's actions. No one else. You are responsible for your actions. If you are a Christian, you must consider this. When much is known, much is required. Do not do or say things that YOU will have to reap for, 10 fold. Women, love the men in your life and treat them like Kings. That's what it means to be a true QUEEN. Our actions are based on our choices, not on the actions of others. Choose ye this day who you will serve. Man or God? Serving God means that He has your vengeance. Pray for those who hurt you. If your prayers are sincere, your heart will hurt just knowing that your offenders will reap for their actions. All I can do is love you, its up to you if you accept. But, even if it is rejected, I still love you. My spirit will not allow me to do anything else. Living, loving, and loving some more. carry on

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