Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Believe it and Receive it

Today has been an AWESOME day.  This week has been an AMAZING week.  I am overflowing with joy.  Having joy is very common for me, but the way I feel today, had become a thing of the past.  I honestly can not think of the last time I was this happy.  For those of you that know me on a close personal level, you are well aware that my entire year has been filled with continuous attacks.  Even though I am one that keeps to myself.  The orchestration of chaos that has been brought on my by the enemy, was truly unheard of.  I continued to pray.  I continued to fast.  I continued to grow Spiritually, and I continued to love those that made every effort to hurt me.  This has been a very discouraging, hurtful year for me. But, by the grace of God, I maintained my sanity, and most importantly, I maintained my faithfulness.  It was prophesized to me in April, that I was under attack.  This was shortly after I had been terminated from a job that I had only worked at for a month.  I left a very secure, well paying job to accept this position.  This, of course, should have been a blow of devastation.  I am very strong, naturally.  So, I am even stronger, spiritually.  I knew what it was and who it was, so I was prepared.  So I thought.  The consistent attacks pushed me to my breaking point on more than one occasion.  But God!  I am a witness to what God can do and what He will do, if only we stay faithful.  The enemy could not break me head on, so he attacked me through the ones I love.  I have been through things that I would never have imagined would happen to me.  Still, I smile.  Still, I thrive.  Still, I thank God for the small things.  The things that can not be bought and that does not come automatically.  I thank Him for the things that I can not acquire through education or employment.  The people that I have been able to help since I have had so much time on my hands, has been a very Spiritual experience.  The perspectives that I assisted in changing will bring hope to those that felt things were hopeless.  Please, I beg you.  Stay strong.  Stay loving.  Stay faithful.  Stay Godly.  Your efforts will not go unnoticed.  God WILL keep His word.  Once you believe, truly believe.  Then, and only then, can you receive. I am running faster, and I am loving harder than ever before!  My breakthrough is upon me, and I will not miss out on my Blessings.   Living, loving, and loving some more.   carry on

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