Thursday, December 8, 2011

Love Yourself, You are YOUnique

One of the most important things that anyone can accomplish, is to love you first.  We are all given an individualized gift from God that makes us who we are, individuals.  The significance of this is that no one else is like YOU.  The parts that you like about yourself,  and the parts that you dislike about yourself is what makes you YOUnique.  Love yourself for who you are.  But, you must embrace who you are before you can come to this self loving status.  You are a child of God.  Whether you accept it, live it, or walk in it.  This is who you are and who you were created to be.  Knowing that God loves you, no matter what, should be motivation enough for you to love yourself.  Living your life trying to be like someone else, or patterning yourself after someone else can be a lonely way of existence.  It is normal to envy others, but when that envy turns into jealousy, it can be dangerous.  Obsessions are the main reason why so many people basically loses it.  I love myself.  I am not obsessed with me or anyone else.  I have no desire to be anyone other than who I am.  I couldn't even imagine having such a twisted desire.  The good parts of me are accepted by so many, but the AMAZING parts of me are embraced, and in some instances, coveted by some.  I love myself with everything in me.  This self absorbed love, if you want to call it that, is radiated and shared with the people I love.  Loving on a level that I love is not common.  I acknowledge and accept that.  So, when I do not receive the same level of love in return, I am not surprised.  My gifts are my gifts.  My talents are my talents.  God designed them specifically for me.  God made me unique.  I love that about Him.  He is the maker of all, and the finisher of everything.  Do not spend another day trying to be something that you are not.  You can only be you, and no one can be you better than you.  Love yourself, for I love myself.  I also  Living, loving, and loving some more.   carry on

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