Thursday, December 15, 2011

Joy Comes in the Morning

Great afternoon! After a very long, sleepless night, I am a little closer to feeling like myself. I spent my night thinking, contemplating, planning, and praying. Eventually, I was able to focus enough to meditate on the Lord for a while. My day yesterday was one that I would love to forget, so I thought. God will connect with you on such a level that your soul will be cleansed at the time you need it most. Tears of hurt, pain, frustration and anger, were transformed into tears of joy! My God knows just what to say, and how to say it, so that Atanya will interpret His words in a way that is best for...Atanya. I love my God, and I love my friends that were there for me last night. The outpouring of love and concern touched my heart and calmed my soul. I love HIS strength and concern for me. HIS love is real and unconditional. That's what I love most about HIM. My spirit will not be broken. In the midst of all of my attacks, I continue to find the strength to say thank you. The devil is a lie, and in all of his messing, I ALWAYS find a Blessing. There's a Blessing in it, and I will find it. Living, loving, and loving some more. carry on


  1. How can we not praise him??? It is so wonderful to know that you are spiritual enough to find the blessing in a horrible situation. That shows you that your existence is valuable... Keep keeping on sis...

  2. I'm not surprised you took the womanizer Thomas Randall to see Serena Williams. He loves tall, manly women who are big and muscular, pumping their fists and yelling.

    1. No Anya, I didn't take him, he took me. I wanted to see Serena Williams. You know Thomas doesn't like manly women anymore, that's why he dumped you and now he's with me. He wants a womanly woman. I thought you knew that.
