Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Life and...Death

Since my birthday, November 27, I have been informed of four deaths.  Three of the deaths were people that were either close to me, or close to someone I hold near and dear to my heart.  When most people think about death, they view it as being definite and are saddened by it. I consider death to be a new beginning for those who are fortunate enough to meet our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ.  I was a little disturbed by the fact that my best male friend's mother died on my birthday.  But, my perspective was changed by the inspirational words of someone that loves me.  I now feel Blessed that God came for one of His angels on my birthday.  My birthday will be a Blessed day forever.  We are fortunate to have great people of God in our lives for just a short time, but we have to give them back to God and allow God to end their suffering.  We must learn to rejoice in death, or home going's to those of us that know Christ.  Death is not to be feared, but to be welcomed when we know we are doing everything we can to live according to God's will.  I have vowed to appreciate each and every day that I have left.  For tomorrow is not promised.  If I can live until I am 70 years old, I know that I have lived well because that is what God has promised.  Do not take life for granted.  Love with everything in you with no regrets.  I will put everything I have into my man interest.  I love God, and I love you!  Living, loving, and loving some more.  carry on

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