Saturday, November 19, 2011

God Is

God is...everything to me! Had it not been for Him I would not be here today.  Had it not been for Him I would not be able to find a Blessing in every storm that passes.  Had it not been for Him I would have lost hope a long time ago.  Had it not been for Him I would be referred to as "Oh ye of little faith".  The evidence of His word and His presence in my life is manifested on a daily basis.  Holding on to Him has been my rock.  Holding on to Him has allowed me grow into the strong, steadfast, spiritual person that I am today. His touch, His never ending unconditional love for me is why I can love unconditionally.  I feel so fortunate to be given the greatest gift that anyone can give.  The gift of life and love can not be bought or duplicated.  Being alive is obvious, living is obscure.  If you are breathing you are alive, but knowing God will allow you to live.  I love Him with everything in me.  Living, loving, and loving some more.  carry on


  1. Faith is essential to move onward; otherwise we would have not retained ourselves and pandemonium would ensue. Believing that God will fight our battles and holding steadfast is what spirituality manifests.

  2. Sissy, you are sounding just like somebody I know. It's in us. Very nice comment. carry on
