Monday, January 9, 2012

Continue to Give..LOVE

Magnificent Monday Morning.  The second week of the year has begun.  Those of you that was looking for a new beginning, an opportunity to begin anew, how is that going for you?  I must say, God has made it a point to reveal some things to me that I have been totally confused about for quite some time.  I am one that prays, vigorously.  But, I am also one that desires to learn, constantly.  I have made some adjustments in the way I pray.  I have always made it a point to pray a specific prayer, I am now making it a point to be even more specific in my specifications.  We have not, because we ask not.  I believe that wholeheartedly.  But, it is imperative that when we ask, we ask the right way.  We need to be faithfully driven to receive and accept what God has for us.  This means that we understand that God knows the desires of our hearts, and that He will give us the desires of our hearts, but it also means that we understand that God knows what is best for us.  Learn to pray that God's will be done in your life.  Your entire life.  Not just the parts of your life that you are focused on changing, or repairing.  But, the parts of your life that God requires you to adjust.  Sometimes, those areas are not so obvious.  Oftentimes, what some see on the outside, is not equivalent to what's on the inside.  The strong have a tendency to walk their walk with pride, shoulders back, and our heads held high.  When what we actually feel on the inside, can be tormenting us all day everyday.  The physical very rarely mimics the mental or the spiritual.  PEACE can be throughout.  It begins on the inside, and should radiate to the surface.  When people look at me, they see the PEACE that can only be obtained, and maintained, through a very close, consistent, Spiritual relationship with God.  God gives me something that I, nor any other person, can give me.  I cherish that, and I embrace each and every opportunity I am given to show my appreciation.  My growth will be great, my greatness will be greater.  My God will be my God, until He says otherwise.  Which we all know, will NEVER happen. I am on a mission to get what God has for me.  The love of my life will know HIS place when he finds me.  When a man finds a wife, HE finds a good thing.  I will continue to love, continue to pray, and continue to make myself available for the man that God has for ME, to find ME.  His Word will not return void!  His love can fill all voids.  I feel totally validated in my love for God, my love for family, my love for friends, my love for foes, and my love for you.  My desire to give love is greater than it has ever been.  Even when rejected, I will continue to give...LOVE.   Living, loving, and loving some more.   carry on

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