Thursday, February 23, 2012

Negativity is Needed

I am not trying to sound negative, but I am sick of people BLAMING other people for their issues.  I have been reading A LOT of: I am cutting people off, I am removing people from my life, I am deleting some people.  At some point and time, you have to take responsibility for what is going on in your OWN life.  If you allow people to regulate your happiness or sense of happiness, then you are your worst negative source.  We need to have balance in our lives.  If everything and everyone in our life was positive, then how would we grow?  We need some sort of negativity, just so that we can be more thankful for the positive things we are afforded.  This is the evidence of things not seen.  Learn to be the positive force when the darkness of negativity tries to cloud your life.  I am one that will go through what I need to go through to be what I am destined to be.  When everything is positive, our growth becomes dormant.  I need to grow.  I will grow.  I am growing!  Living, loving, and loving some more.   carry on

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