Thursday, March 1, 2012

He's More Than the World Against Us

Great afternoon Loves.  For those of you that know me, and know me well.  You know that I have been in a state of unhappiness and depression for the last couple of weeks.  Though, there are many things in my life that would totally warrant me being unhappy, I am a child of God and should be able to repel any negative feelings.  But, I am natural first.  The natural part of us becomes weak when we are in the midst of struggles. Especially when those struggles are of a magnitude that is clearly out of our control.  Despite all of my praying, and trying to stay faithful, my tears flowed daily.  I was totally aware that this was not normal, for me, and I needed to do something about it.  But, what could I do?  I was already doing everything I knew to do, but it didn't seem to help much.  As I continued on through my temporary darkness, I was Blessed to have people in my life that continuously tried to make me view my life from a more positive light.  I had my moments of happiness, but they were short lived.  I got to the point where I felt frustrated, defeated, and I felt as if my faith was gone.  THAT is when I knew I really had to connect with God on a level that I had not been able to for quite some time.  My powerful prayer allowed me to release burdens that I thought were already gone.  The tears flowed, as I prayed myself to sleep.  I woke up feeling like a new person.  Everything in my bedroom was the same, but EVERYTHING looked different.  I know what God can do for me, and for anyone who calls on Him.  But, this fresh, new outlook on life was something that I had not experienced in a very long time.  I am facing life with the passion and love that I thought was gone.  This recent battle has strengthened me to a state of empowerment that I am still in awe about.  I feel so good right now!  My situation is the same, if not worse than yesterday, but my perception of it is extremely positive.  I spend my days attempting to motivate others, but did not consider that I had to motivate myself.  Motivate myself to pray harder, and to strive to find my happy place that I thought I had lost.  Under no circumstances should I have ever allowed myself to get to where I was, but I honestly did not see it coming.  It was just there, without warning.  Nothing triggered it, nothing provoked it, it just WAS.  I am no longer there, and I have no desire to ever go back.  The things in our lives that can get us down, are so minute to some of the things that others are going through.  A lot of our issues are seriously based on PRIDE.  We have too much pride to ask for help.  We have too much pride to let others know what we are going through.  We have too much pride to reduce our social status and standards of living.  God knows what we need, and our pride can get in the way of us receiving it.  We will go through.  We will suffer.  We will cry.  But, when we begin to fret, our faith becomes weak.  This is exactly what the enemy wants us to do.  When we feel negative energies beginning to overtake us, we need to consider this.  When we CLAIM to be children of God, and we become depressed, the devil is laughing at us.  He is taunting us.  He feels that he has the victory.  Well, he doesn't.  God is not a man that He should lie.  When we pray and not faint.  When we maintain our faithfulness.  He WILL do what He said He will do.  If God is for us, He's more than the world against us.  Just in case you have not noticed, the world IS against us.  Sad, but true.  All I need is God.  Nothing more, nothing less.  He has brought me through, once again.  If He did it for me, He will do it for you.  God has no respect of person.  He loves us all...EQUALLY!  Living, loving, and loving some more.    carry on

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