Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Am Back With a Vengeance!

Hello Loves!  I know I have not blogged in a minute, but my mind has been cluttered.  I have not been able to focus on ANYTHING.  Life is taking its toll on me.  I am strong, this is something that I have no choice but to be.  But, I am not super, duper woman.  I too, have moments of discouragement and depression.  I have been contacted by several people asking me why I haven't blogged in a while.  That let's me know how much people read and depend on my blog.  The thoughts that I post here are not my own, well most of them anyways.  I make it a point to connect with God before, during, and after I blog.  Though, some of my blogs are just what I am thinking at the moment.  I am truly Blessed to know that people have missed me.  I miss me, too.  I am getting back to my old self.  Slowly but surely.  In an effort to regain the positive energy that I refer to as my lifeline, I will begin where I left off.

Our lives  have become something that we are clearly not understanding.  This confusion is not based on what we are able to see and decipher, it is based on the unknown.  Our struggles are phenomenal and the spirit of misery and depression has become very powerful.  When we look around at what's going on in our world and the world of others, it is painfully obvious that so many people are giving up.  The spirit of suicide is roaming in search of its next victim.  Many fall prey to this spirit because they become weak and forget to pray.  Others fall prey because they do not realize that they need to pray more, and that they need to be very specific in their prayers.  The idea that people are killing their own children and then killing themselves is evidence that the end is near.  Aside from the fact that murder is being committed on a vast level, the murderers are murdering themselves.  I wonder.  In their final breath, did they have the opportunity to confess their sins and ask for forgiveness.  The thought terrifies me.  I am terrified because I know that if they did not ask for forgiveness, that spirit will gain power.  The more powerful the spirit, the harder it is to resist it.  A spirit can not do its job unless it has a host.  The negativity, the poor economy, the feeling of unhappiness, and the feeling of hopelessness are some of the main factors in making people too weak to resist the urge to take the lives of the ones they love, and ultimately, their own lives.  Life is a gift.  It is precious, and should not be taken for granted.

When God shows us favor, each day, and takes the time to breathe the breath of life into our nostrils, there are several things that we must acknowledge.  One, we have been given something that so many did not receive, and so many people will never have.  We lay down, go to sleep, wake up, and really never consider how Blessed we are.  Regardless of our circumstance.  Regardless of the status of our health.  Regardless of who shows us love and who doesn't.  We are Highly Favored JUST by waking up.  We spend so much time thinking about the things we do not have, the things we would like to have, and even the things that we have lost, that we honestly overlook the most important thing of all.  Life.  Life is the ability to live, the ability to love, and with each day we are given, another opportunity to live again.  Embracing this moment, which may be our last, is the greatest love that we can give to ourselves, our loved one's, and our God.  Depression, oppression, discouragement, and ANYTHING negative, are emotions that are inflicted by the devil.  These emotions are not of God.  This is where it all begins.  Find something positive in all that you do and all that you are presented with.  No matter how bad it may look or seem.  There is something greater ahead.  There is something better ahead.  I know for myself, that God will not allow us to go through the things we go through for nothing.  He sees our faithfulness.  He knows what we need, and He will give it to us in His time.  God's time is not our time.  We must learn to be patient, more patient than ever before.

I must say, patience is not one of my strongest abilities.  I want what I want when I want it, and so does most people.  Considering the time that we are living in, faith and patience are the two most important ACTIONS that we should live by.  We must work our faith.  Pray about it, leave it, believe it, and then receive it.  In order to do this, we must practice being patient.  Not just in what we pray for, but in everything we do.  Our spiritual conditioning is the only thing that will keep us.  The attacks are great, and the misconception of spirituality is even greater.  We must know God for ourselves.  My personal relationship with God is individualized to meet my needs.  Yours is individualized to meet your needs.  Our walks with God should be similar, but in no way should they be the same.  God is totally capable of sculpting our Blessings to meet our needs.  We just have to hold on, stay steadfast, trust Him, believe Him, and keep the faith.  That is all that is required.  Nothing more, nothing less.  God's word will do what it was set out to do.  But, can we do what we were created to do?

Living, loving, and loving some more.      carry on

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